UI to Send Its First Electric Car To Shell Eco-marathon 2012
Mar 25, 2012
Shell Eco-marathon (SEM) teams of University of Indonesia (UI) are very proud to launch their three new vehicles in Depok, on Monday, 26 March, among other is the plug-in electricity car with lithium battery as source of power.
UI will be sending three finest student teams to compete in the annual SEM Asia competition held in Sepang International Circuit this year.
The UI participation in the plug-in electricity category is a technical milestone, aside from competing in the Internal Combustion Engine with gasoline. The student teams will comprise not only students majoring in various engineering disciplines such as; mechanical, civil, metallurgy, and industrial engineering, but will also involve their colleague from social science.
“In facing growing demand for energy worldwide, Shell is committed to help promote efficient energy use, understanding the current pattern of consumption and exploring alternative energies. Shell Eco-marathon is a visible demonstration of Shell’s commitment to face the energy challenge in a responsible way, and is an invitation for others to do the same,” said Darwin Silalahi, President Director and Country Chairman of PT Shell Indonesia.
UI Rector Prof Gumilar Soemantri said that, “The University of Indonesia is very proud of the students’ achievements that are among the first to answer this call for solutions to respond to the burning need for energy-efficient vehicles in Indonesia. These students truly represent the young and brightest minds and will play a very important role in helping Indonesia face its future energy needs challenges.”
In the brand-new “electric-mobility” category all hopes are on the ever-popular Keris – this time V.4. It’s being entered by Team Arjuna, captained by Dimas Aji Karisma Cakra (one year behind the other team leaders in the same program). He affirmed that the University of Indonesia team was responsible for the nation’s first locally-designed and built electric car. Powered by plug-in batteries, the electric Keris V.4 generates very little pollution and exhibits minimum shake towards sounds]. According to Aji, the team is hoping for results in the range of 350 km. 1kwh or Rp 1 380,000 (non-subsidized electricity) for 350 km.
Led by an engineering student with two years’ previous Shell Eco-Marathon experience, Team Sadewa’s entry represents the evolution of last year’s Kalabia model. Fitra Didik Nugroho (Mechanical Engineering class of 2008) said Kalabia Evo-2 has a revamped machine and design alterations, yet is maintaining its presence in the Urban Concept Gasoline class with machine injection completed with programmable ECU.
Meanwhile, Nakoela team which is led by Fariz Muriyadi (Mechanical Engineering class of 2008) presents Keris V.3 employs the same basic concept for body and driver positioning as previous Keris generations – even those iterations didn’t qualify. Nevertheless, Fariz said that with solid design for both body and engine the new Keris is targeted to reach 1000km/litre of fuel.
About SEM
Shell Eco-marathon aims to inspire engineering students to develop new approaches to sustainable mobility and fuel efficiency. It is a major educational project that encourages and fosters innovation in which students work together to explore potential solutions to both current and future transport and energy challenges.
Shell Eco-marathon is a continuous educational project that challenges student teams to design and build the most energy-efficient vehicle to compete against other teams’ vehicles. The winner is the vehicle that travels the farthest distance using the least amount of fuel or energy.The teams will be competing in two main category based on their car design:
- Prototype is for futuristic, streamlined vehicles that aim to maximize fuel-efficiency through innovative design elements.
- Urban Concept is for more conventional four-wheel fuel-efficient vehicles suited to the needs of today’s drivers.
- Teams have a choice of any of the following fuels to power their vehicles: conventional fuels such as diesel, gasoline and LPG or alternative fuels such as fuel cells/hydrogen, bio-fuel, solar and Gas to Liquids (GTL). The vehicles may use one of the following fuel or energy types:
- Shell Unleaded 95 (EU) / Shell Plus 89 (US) Petrol/Gasoline
- Shell Diesel
- Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
- Shell Gas to Liquids (100% GTL)
- Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (100% FAME)
- Ethanol E100 (100% Ethanol)
- Hydrogen
- Solar
- Plug-In Electricity (Li-on)
Shell Eco-marathon 2012 challenge will be participated by 8 other Indonesian universities & educational institution -- Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Politeknik Negeri Pontianak, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta and Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU).
These universities will each enter talented student teams with vehicle prototypes in the different classes to compete with other students’ around the region. The inventions come in an assortment of shapes, colors and sizes, from conventional looking vehicles to out-of-the-box creations that express the young generation’s creativity and innovation.
For more information about the SEM can be found at: www.shell.com/eco-marathon.
For further information please contact:
Sri Wahyu Endah
External Communications and Social Performance Manager
PT Shell Indonesia
Phone: +62 21 7592 4700