Surabaya Municipal and Shell Indonesia Inaugurate "Bank Sampah"
Feb 03, 2013
Through CSR program titled as SUPEL (Shell untuk Pelestarian Lingkungan), Surabaya Administration together with Shell Indonesia and Urban Community Development Center (Pusdakota) of Surabaya University have inaugurated Bank Sampah (Waste Bank) in Babatan Village, Surabaya. Profits from the sale of the waste will be deposited in Bank Sampah and later used to finance village development and savings-and-loan schemes in Babatan.
Surabaya, February 3, 2013 - PT Shell Indonesia has joined forces with the Surabaya municipal government and Surabaya University’s Urban Communities Empowerment Center (Pusdakota) to inaugurate the Bank Sampah in Babatan, Wiyung, Surabaya on February 3, 2013. Surabaya Municipal Government represented by the Head of Hygiene and City Parks Hidayat Syah was accompanied by Network Portfolio Manager of Shell Indonesia Hendra Nagunta, inaugurated the Bank Sampah, witnessed by Pusdakota Team, the Head of Wiyung Subdistrict Joko Sudiyono and the Head of Babatan’s community unit (RW) 01 Suhargiyo.
The Inauguration of Bank Sampah at Babatan Village is the culmination of Shell untuk Pelestarian Lingkungan (SUPEL), a Shell Indonesia’s CSR program in collaboration with Pusdakota of Surabaya University and the Surabaya municipal government.
President Director and Country Chairman of Shell Indonesia Darwin Silalahi said “We are extremely grateful to the Surabaya municipal government for fully supporting the SUPEL program implementation in Babatan and Lontar. The SUPEL program reflects Shell’s commitment to make a positive contribution to the local communities in areas where we operate. We hope that strategic CSR programs such as SUPEL can bring sustainable benefits not only to Babatan and Lontar but also throughout Surabaya, in the form of a cleaner, greener and more productive environment, which can be a source of pride to residents.”
The SUPEL program has been operating in Babatan and Lontar since November 2012. The Pusdakota team has provided training to local residents on types of waste, open-window based waste management, liquid and solid bacteria production, waste bank management, and plastic recycling, enabling them to better manage their environment. In addition, the residents have agreed to establish community sub unit (RT) 05 as a Clean, Healthy and Autonomous (BERsih, SEhat dan mandiRI – BERSERI) RT model.
According to Mr Suhargiyo, “The SUPEL program has had a positive impact on the residents, as they are now starting to manage their waste properly. What was previously seen as ‘waste disposal’ is now viewed as ‘waste management’. The introduction of proper waste management has had a beneficial effect on the environment, and residents have gained the skills to enable the Bank Sampah to be self-sustaining. Hopefully, the collaboration among PT Shell Indonesia, Pusdakota and Surabaya municipal government will set a positive precedent for other companies. I hope other RTs will adopt the program.“
For further information, photos or interview, please contact:
Inggita Notosusanto
Country Communications Manager
PT Shell Indonesia
Phone: +62 21 7592 4700
Fax: +62 21 7592 4679
The history of Royal Dutch Shell in Indonesia began over 120 years ago, following its first oil discovery in Pangkalan Brandan, North Sumatra. Today, Shell enjoys a strong market share in Indonesia’s downstream sector. Shell is the first international oil company to establish gas stations (SPBU) in Indonesia, and continues to lead the field, with more than 70 operating sites in Greater Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya.
In 2006, Shell commenced its commercial fuels, marines and bitumen businesses in Indonesia, providing oil products and related technical support to the industrial, transport and mining sectors. Shell is also recognized as a leading international company, with the largest market share, after Pertamina, in the lubricants sector, serving motorists and industrial customers. Shell has invested significantly to build a fuel supply-chain infrastructure in Indonesia, in cooperation with its local partners. The fuel storage facilities in Gresik and Laut Island, the lubes warehouse facility in Bekasi, Surabaya and Balikpapan, and the bitumen storage facility in Cirebon, are examples of successful joint ventures with leading Indonesian companies such as Astra International and Adaro Energy.
In 2011, Shell re-entered the upstream business in the country of its birthplace, with the signing of an agreement to become the strategic partner with Inpex, operator of the Masela PSC, which includes the Abadi gas field. Shell’s participation in the Abadi field underpins its growth strategy and underscores its position as world leader in both LNG and Floating LNG (FLNG) developments.
Through a range of social investment programs, Shell Indonesia is committed to the ongoing development of the areas and the community where it has business activities. These social activities are driven by a commitment to sustainable development and a belief that our long-term success depends on being able to strike the right balance between economic growth, care for the environment and equitable social development.
Shell LiveWIRE is one of Shell Indonesia’s flagship programs that aims to motivate young people aged between 18 and32 to get interested in entrepreneurship and consider it as a viable career option. Since its launch in 2003, LiveWIRE has been working on capacity building, with local partners to empower them to conduct the program independently.
Shell Road Safety is one of Shell’s social investment that aims to instill road safety disciplines in elementary school children through its Shell Road Safety Competition (RSC) and Training of Trainers (ToT) program, aimed at seeking ways to embed road discipline as a basic mindset.
Shell Eco-marathon is a Shell’s global initiative that motivates students to design, develop and drive energy-efficient cars in competition. The goal is to achieve the furthest distance with the least amount of energy. Since it was established in Asia in 2010, a number of prominent universities in Indonesia have participated and performed well in the competition.
In addition to these social investment programs, Shell also implements fenceline community development programs in areas nearby our business operations. The activities are developed by tailoring them to local community needs that differ from one place to another. Programs in environment management and community health, among others, have been conducted as part of this initiative.