Infografik pelumas mesin trunk piston Shell
Permintaan industry pada mesin trunk piston semakin meningkat. Cari tahu bagaimana cara agar insdustri power tetap kompetitif dengan pelumasan yang efektif.
Download Shell Lubricant TPEO InfographicsDalam industri 4.0, penting untuk melakukan pemeliharaan mesin pembangkit listrik dengan pelumas yang lebih tahan lama untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan output. Shell menghadirkan jajaran pelumas untuk mesin diesel, pelumas roda gigi dan cairan hidrolik yang dirancang sebagai produk sintesis dengan teknologi terbaru untuk performa mesin unggul sehingga mampu memenuhi kebutuhan Anda.
Shell Lubricants - keeping the power plants running
Duration: 3:23 minutes
Shell Lubricants - from operating a power plant, to powering nations reliably
Shell Argina Transcript
[Background music plays]
Shell Music, Etheral
[GFX Title]
Shell lubricants
from operating a power plant
to powering nations reliably
[Video footage]
Night time shot of harbour, Timelapse
Power plant
[Dialogue: Richard Holdsworth]
Electricity today, is at the heart of everybody’s lives.
[GFX Title]
Richard Holdsworth
Global Brand Manager
Shell Lubricants
[Dialogue: Richard Holdsworth]
Across the world there’s an increase in the demand for electricity,
[Video footage]
Interview with Richard Holdsworth
[Dialogue: Richard Holdsworth]
… and our power customers, they have to meet that demand.
[Video footage]
Night time shot of city, Timelapse
Street in Bangladesh at night
[Dialogue: Saiful Islam]
In Bangladesh, 76% of the people are getting power.
[Video footage]
Interview with Saiful Islam
[GFX Title]
Saiful Islam
Plant Manager
Raj Lanka Power Company
[Dialogue: Saiful Islam]
Nowadays there is a demand, and more people are using power in every instance.
[Video footage]
Night time shot of market
Power plant gate
Power plant signage
[Dialogue: Saiful Islam]
Raj Lanka is a power plant,
[Video footage]
Interview with Saiful Islam
[Dialogue: Saiful Islam]
… we’re generating 52.2 megawatt of power and connected to the National Grid.
[Video footage]
Aerial shot of power plant
Power plant
[Dialogue: Saiful Islam]
Actually for running the power plant, if the lubricants fail, it damages everything.
[Video footage]
Interview with Saiful Islam
[Dialogue: Saiful Islam]
So there will be a major breakdown, if we select a poor quality lube oil.
Raj Lanka is a power station in Bangladesh, running new generation Wärtsilä engines.
The biggest challenges for its geography are humidity and heat.
This makes the quality of the lube oil mission - critical.
[Background music plays]
Shell Music, Inspiring
[Video footage]
Praveen working
Interview with Praveen Nagpal
[Dialogue: Praveen Nagpal]
The major issue which is coming up from the customer, problems like more partial replacement of the oil...
[GFX Title]
Praveen Nagpal
Global Product Application Specialist
Shell Lubricants
[Dialogue: Praveen Nagpal]
… plus the BN depletion, plus the increase in viscosity...
[Video footage]
Bottles of engine oil components
Scientist in a laboratory
[Dialogue: Praveen Nagpal]
… and it means you need new products that can actually manage these challenges very effectively. And that made the basis for development of our new product.
3 years of development with 7,000 hours of engine testing led to the formulation of the New Shell Argina S5
Prior to putting this product into a field trial, the team conducted more than 10,000 analytical results in laboratory testing
[Video footage]
Scientist pouring liquid into beaker
[Dialogue: Richard Holdsworth]
The development process can take a number of years. And then we do a field validation.
[Video footage]
Interview with Richard Holdsworth
Mechanical equipment
Interview with Praveen Nagpal
[Dialogue: Praveen Nagpal]
We start identifying the right engine for our new Argina S5 trial, we engage with Wärtsilä.
[Video footage]
Praveen with Martijn in engine room
Interview with Martijn Grynngärds
[GFX Title]
Martijn Grynngärds
Technical Manager
[Dialogue: Martijn Grynngärds ]
We were informed that Shell has a new product and the want to validate it.
[Video footage]
Praveen with Martijn working in engine room
Interview with Martijn Grynngärds
[Dialogue: Martijn Grynngärds ]
Wärtsilä, we are supplying a lot of engines to power plants in Bangladesh. So we can validate in Bangladesh.
[Video footage]
Aerial shots of power plant
[Dialogue: Praveen Nagpal]
Raj Lanka, the engines also operate on base load, close to 100%, and that gives the real representation of the stress on the lubricating oil.
[Video footage]
Interview with Praveen Nagpal
[Dialogue: Praveen Nagpal]
These trials are very critical from OEM approval perspective, because any of the product that can be used from this engine has to be approved from an Indian manufacturer.
[Video footage]
Praveen and Saiful working
Shots of Praveen and Martijn working in engine room
Interview with Saiful Islam
[Dialogue: Saiful Islam]
After 4000 hours of completion, we found that all the pistons, piston heads, everything, that the lubricants functions well. So we found that everything is like new.
[Video footage]
Praveen and Martijn inspecting engine
Interview with Martijn Grynngärds
[Dialogue: Martijn Grynngärds ]
We have quite a lot of parts inspected already, and everything looks really good. The engine is clean on the inside, and the oil performs well, so that’s good for us and Shell.
[Video footage]
Praveen with Shell employees, working
[Dialogue: Praveen Nagpal]
Based on our final assessment, we found Argina S5 offers up to 15% less oil consumption, compared to previous oils customer had used, and up to 18% better BN retention compared to the previous product customer had used.
Shell Argina S5 offers up to 15% less oil consumption and up to 18% better BN
[Video footage]
Praveen with Shell employees, working
Praveen, Martijn and Shell employee walking outdoors
Interview with Richard Holdsworth
[Dialogue: Richard Holdsworth]
I am confident that when our customers start to use the product, they will be able to reduce the amount of oil they’re using in those engines. And they will see that the area around the piston is cleaner than they expected. Probably cleaner than they’ve ever seen it before.
[Video footage]
Shell employees shaking hands
[Text displays]
Shell lubricants
Together anything is possible
[Shell Pecten Logo]
Shell jingle
[Text displays]
© Shell International Limited 2017
Shell B2B Lubricants Trunk Piston Engine Oil
Subtitle: From Meeting Challenges to Powering Nations
Name: Luis Garcia, Technology Manager, Marine and Power Engine Oils
Luis: The world just needs more energy. It needs energy in different ways.
Name: Richard Holdsworth, Global Marketing and Product Development Manager, Marine and Power Engine Oils
Richard: Somebody will use an engine to generate electricity for that speed of response. When the wind stops they want the electricity to go on. They want to get that electricity into the grid very very fast. So they are looking for that flexibility. At the same time when they do come to switch the engine on they want to be sure it’s going to work.
Richard: In terms of our customers in the power sector, they are under a lot of pressure to reduce their costs so they will be looking at, kind of, more fuel efficient engines. But at the same time there is an increasing amount of legislation around emissions, so our customers are both looking for an engine which will deliver better fuel economy but they’re also looking for effectively what is a cleaner engine.
Text: Modern engines need new oils to cope with increased oil stress. These oils must last longer to reduce consumption and waste-oil disposal costs and offer enhanced cleanliness, viscosity control and base-number retention.
Luis: So the newer engines and the latest generation of engines are very efficient and the future ones will be even more efficient.
Luis: These engines will consume less lubricants, so with less lubricant you have to do more work. They will be exposed to higher temperatures, to higher pressures, they will see more combustion products, so the lubricant really has a more difficult life than it has before. And it’s going to have an even more difficult life in the future with newer engines developing, at a pace that we have not seen in the last 20 years.
Luis: So our targets with the new Argina S5, were really to create a product that consumes alkalinity reserves slower, that prevents fast thickening and with this we will enable customers to use less oil.
Richard: We work very very closely with engine manufacturers, so we try and stay close to them so we can see what are they thinking about engine design, and then we try to drill down into how is that going to impact the lubricant and where is it going to present extra challenges for the lubricant, but also where can the lubricant itself bring performance benefits to the engine. In parallel to that we are talking to our customers and also the customers of these engine manufacturers and trying to understand what are their operating issues.
Luis: You probably need let’s say one year of proving ideas, concepts, testing for new components or looking at the chemistries, base oils, and the combinations to see how you improve either oxidation stability, thermal stress stability – many different aspects that you can see in single laboratory tests.
Luis: But one thing that Shell does, and it’s key, it’s really key and is pretty much unique in the industry, is that we have an engine lab. And with this testing you really ensure that when you go onto the field, you will have a success story
Luis: At the same time you can see in real time together with the customer the benefits and sometimes you really create a lot of customer intimacy. The customers really get excited about running a trial with us. Particularly because they see the difference.
Name: Praveen Nagpal, Product Application Specialist, Power Engine Oils.
Praveen: Rajlanka is an ideal customer for us because the plant operates in very hot and humid conditions. The engine also operates on base load, close to 100% loading and that gives the real representation of the stress on the lubricating oil.
Praveen: Based on our final assessment we’ve found Argina S5 offers up to 15% less oil consumption compared to previous oil the customer has used and up to 18% better BN retention compared to the previous product customer has used.
Text: Together anything is possible.
Permintaan industry pada mesin trunk piston semakin meningkat. Cari tahu bagaimana cara agar insdustri power tetap kompetitif dengan pelumasan yang efektif.
Download Shell Lubricant TPEO Infographics
Di mana pelumas dan oli Shell bisa dibeli.
Temukan bagaimana menggunakan pelumas yang tepat bisa memberi Anda penghematan yang berarti dengan membantu memaksimalkan efisiensi peralatan, memperpanjang masa pakai kendaraan dan mengurangi waktu henti.
Temukan informasi keamanan dan teknis utama mengenai produk kami.