![Tentang Shell Eco-marathon](/en_id/energy-and-innovation/make-the-future/shell-eco-marathon/under-the-hood-with-garuda-uny-eco-team/_jcr_content/par/contentblock_copy_co/image.img.960.jpeg/1606888789341/uny-eco-team.jpeg?imwidth=960)
Under The Hood with Garuda UNY Eco Team
The inspiring journey of the students from Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta competing in Shell Eco-marathon through their team the Garuda UNY Eco Team.
This is the right competition to explore ideas and innovate in realising the development of sustainable and renewable energy. Many technologies and new ideas are made in the process of creating sustainable energy that is also environmentally friendly.
Ilham Nofi Yoga, General Manager
Creative innovation is the key for the Garuda UNY team in achieving the runner-up position in the 2019 ICE Urban Concept Shell Eco-marathon Asia. During each round, the team showed their enthusiasm in exploring their innovation, by continuously making adjustments to enhance the vehicle. Compared to the other teams, the team might be considered the juniors, but it did not stop them to be in the top 3 Driver’s World Championship Regional Asia. The key to their win is their consistency and attention to detail in their vehicle.
Read the exclusive interview with the Garuda UNY team, who are committed to growing their innovative mindset and becoming champions.
![Tim Garuda UNY dari Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta berkompetisi di bawah kategori Urban Concept - Bensin di Changi Exhibition Centre, Singapore. (Shaun Tay/AP)](/en_id/energy-and-innovation/make-the-future/shell-eco-marathon/under-the-hood-with-garuda-uny-eco-team/_jcr_content/par/gallery/mediaplayer_copy/image.img.960.jpeg/1627474737150/garuda-uny-team-from-state-university.jpeg?imwidth=960)
Team GARUDA UNY, #503, from Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia, competing under the UrbanConcept - Gasoline category at the Changi Exhibition Centre, Singapore. (Shaun Tay/AP Images for Shell)
What are your roles and responsibilities on the team?
MNW: Muhammad Nurdin Wahid, Manager of the team in Shell Eco-marathon 2019
INY: Ilham Nofi Yoga, General Manager
MS: Mifta Saputra, Team Leader Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2017
AMH: Anggun Mahirezqi Hidayat, Member of the KRS division
AYP: Ahmad Yoga Pradana, Manager of the team in Shell Eco-marathon 2021
FAP: Fauzi Achmad Prapsita, Powerplant Engineer
Tell us about your most memorable experience during the SEM competition
AMH: “My best impression was during qualifying for the Shell Eco-marathon Driver's World Championship (SEM DWC) Asia, where I passed the test results during the race and achieved the third position, which got me the honour to represent Asia in London, United Kingdom.”
MNW: “We might be the youngest team since we recently joined the competition in 2017, but compared to the others, we have strong sets of principles that allowed us to fastly adapt. We applied the principle to continuously learn in any situation; we learn to move fast and learn from the competition itself.”
INY: “Being the youngest team is not an obstacle, it’s actually a challenge for us to become the best in the competition!”
How is the process behind the persistence of the Garuda UNT team in creating innovations in the SEM event?
MS: “The main thing before entering the competition is to set targets. For example, the team is required to innovate on vehicles that are more energy efficient.”
MNW: “With this target, of course comes a burden, but it actually strengthens the team and creates enthusiasm for research and compete. Fatigue turned into enthusiasm, when heard the targets of other divisions were achieved. This is what builds a team stronger.”
“Sometimes ideas even come when we don’t think about them; it just pops up at a glance. That happened when the idea of utilizing used can occurred.”
INY: “The idea of used cans stemmed from a desire to add safety features to vehicles and for drivers. This unique idea started when a member of our team stepped on an old can which turned out to be sturdy when tested further. This concept was then applied to the IA (Impact Attenuator) security feature, which resulted in the 2018 Safety Award.”
What was the most valuable lesson you learned from participating in SEM?
MNW: “SEM provides fields for every engineering student to reap what they sow during their study. The knowledge they have planted and developed will surely be useful later to answer the most pressing challenges of this era. The fruits they sow during the SEM will be applicable when they need it.”
MS: “The most important thing is knowledge and skills, which can later help in the real world.”
![Tim Garuda UNY di lintasan Make the Future Singapura 2017 (Joseph Nair).](/en_id/energy-and-innovation/make-the-future/shell-eco-marathon/under-the-hood-with-garuda-uny-eco-team/_jcr_content/par/gallery_copy/mediaplayer_copy/image.img.960.jpeg/1629152545710/make-the-future-singapore.jpeg?imwidth=960)
Garuda UNY team on the Make The Future circuit, Singapore, 2017. (Joseph Nair)
In your opinion, what is the role of SEM in realizing sustainable and renewable energy development?
AYP: “At SEM, everyone is required to continue to innovate to improve performance. From here, there is a lot of potential for the participants to learn more in the field. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the future, there will be great engineers who have participated in SEM.”
AMH: “SEM is very helpful because it has provided a platform in the form of a competition for the engineers to showcase their skills and knowledge to create environmentally friendly and fuel-efficient vehicle products.”
What is your message to the young generation of Indonesia, especially those who want to take part in the SEM competition?
FAP: “Sometimes, it is not about who wins but how much you go through and enjoy the process. Keep doing it then one day you will get there to your goals!”
AYP: “Keep going, fight, work hard, for Indonesia! Because sincerity to fight for the name of the Nation is the spirit of sacrifice that our previous heroes had to bring this country to independence, so don’t lose that spirit!”
MNW: “Never be satisfied with knowledge, always empty your cup whenever and wherever you are. Always thirsty for knowledge and continue to drink the water of knowledge!”
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