Shell NXplorers
Mengupayakan terwujudnya kehidupan yang berkelanjutan di dunia tempat kita berada.
Tentang Shell NXplorers
Shell NXplorers dirancang untuk membekali anak muda dengan berbagai alat (tools) dan strategi yang mereka perlukan untuk memahami berbagai kerumitan dan menyadari bagaimana mereka dapat membentuk, menciptakan dan menjadi agen perubahan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi :
Shell NXplorers
Title: Shell NXplorers ‘Kids’ main film
Duration: 2:00
A profile of the Shell NXplorers programme, from the students’ perspectives
[Background music plays]
Bright, uplifting orchestral music
[A graphical set of heads animate to reveal a student who addresses the camera]
How do we start a farm in the desert?
[The first student turns to a second student and addresses her]
Any ideas?
[The second student addresses the camera]
Tough, right?
[We see the same two students in a profile shot]
So let’s look at it another way. How do people collect clean water in the desert?
[A third student joins]
Is there an easy way to collect even more?
[Two different students address the camera]
What fruits and vegetables can grow in the desert? How can we best use the energy sources available to us?
[The students continue to speak while we see them working in an NXplorers session and using research materials. They are joined by two teachers]
We imagined a future, where local communities, living in the desert are able to produce enough food to sustain themselves using resources available in their area.
[The camera pans across Shell NXplorers learning tools, pens and papers while one of the students draws more notes on a whiteboard]
We used tools from Shell’s NXplorers programme, to come up with ideas that will lead to a sustainable future.
[A student addresses the camera]
We could remove the salt from the seawater.
[Another student picks up the conversation, while we see he and another student, joined by a teacher, discuss ideas around a whiteboard]
We could grow beans, melons, peppers or even tomatoes!
[A student addresses the camera]
The desert has plenty of sunlight. What if we used solar power?
[The camera moves around a table where the NXplorers students are working, two of the students fistpump and look at a wall where animated images appear. A student continues to talk]
The NXtools opens our minds towards different ways of solving the same problems and helps us figure out which one of our ideas would work better.
[Another student picks up the conversation]
We could focus on farming plants that only need a small amount of water to grow.
[Another student picks up the conversation while the students continue to come up with ideas]
We could use solar energy to distil clean water.
[Another student picks up the conversation]
By looking at the bigger picture, we managed to better understand how everything is connected...
[Two students address the camera]
...and dig deeper into the problems
[Two different students address the camera]
We created ideas that would help us to get to the future and developed action plans to implement the change!
We worked with engineers to design a machine that uses solar energy to collect clean water from the sea.
[Another student addresses the camera]
Using the sun as a renewable energy source, we evaporated enough seawater to use in a market garden.
[As the students continue to work around the table, the dialogue continues]
NXplorers helped us develop our awareness, knowledge, and new thinking skills.
[A student addresses the camera]
It helped us understand how to better use NXtools and NXthinking to solve real life problems.
[The students continue to work through solutions and the male teacher joins them in shot, while the dialogue continues]
It helped us to develop new skills to deal with real life challenges. The local community were so impressed with our solution, that they’ve come to us with a new challenge.
[A student addresses the camera]
It is our turn to make the world a better place!
[All the students are assembled. The students jump as they shout:]
Shell NXplorers!
[Text displays]
Shell NXplorers
Shell logo appears onscreen.
Gagasan Shell NXplorers Indonesia
Dimulai pada 28 September hingga 16 Desember 2021, Shell NXplorers juga diselenggarakan di Indonesia. Pertama kali hadir di Indonesia, program ini diikuti lebih dari 500 peserta dari berbagai sekolah tingkat menengah atas dan universitas di Jawa dan Bali. Tidak hanya memberikan pelatihan, Shell NXplorers Indonesia berkomitmen memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta pelatihan program Shell NXplorers unjuk gigi menampilkan ide kreatif dan solusi inovatif dalam menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang terjadi di dunia, khususnya pada sektor Pangan, Air dan Energi dengan menyelenggarakan kompetisi NXplorers Indonesia Challenge.
Melalui NXplorers Indonesia Challenge, generasi muda Indonesia terlibat aktif dalam mengambil tindakan sebagai agen perubahan dan berpartisipasi memastikan keberlanjutan bumi. Yuk bergabung dalam NXplorers Indonesia Challenge melalui link Formulir pendaftaran nxplorers indonesia challenge 2023 stage 1
Ketahui Lebih Lanjut Tentang Program
Ayo, Jadi Pahlawan Bumi Bersama NXplorers!
Bergabung di NXplorers Indonesia Challenge dan ambil kesempatan berlaga di kancah global melalui NXplorers Global Awards.
Program Shell NXplorers dari Perspektif Guru
Melihat benefit program Shell NXplorers dari perspektif guru dan manfaatnya untuk pelajar Indonesia.
3 Tahapan Shell NXplorers: Explore, Create, dan Change
Tiga tahapan Shell NXplorers untuk menyelidiki tantangan yang dihadapi masyarakat dan menemukan solusi yang nyata serta konsisten.
NXplorers Global Inspiration Awards 2023
2 Tim Indonesia Sukses Raih Prestasi di NXplorers Global Inspiration Awards
Tentang Shell NXplorers
Shell NXplorers dirancang untuk membekali anak muda dengan berbagai alat (tools) dan strategi yang mereka perlu- kan untuk memahami berbagai kerumitan dan menyadari bagaimana mereka dapat membentuk, menciptakan dan menjadi agen perubahan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi :
Kompetisi NXplorers
Platform untuk mengekspresikan ide dan aspirasi generasi muda dalam gerakan global untuk dunia yang lebih baik.
Perjalanan Program
Pelatihan Shell NXplorers memberikan pengalaman baru bagi peserta dalam mengidentifikasi masalah, mencari solusi dan mengajukan ide solusi. Peserta lalu diajak mengadu ide solusi dalam sebuah kompetisi menarik.
Workshop NXplorers Pro Untuk Pelajar dan Mahasiswa di Lombok
Untuk kedua kalinya Shell NXplorers kembali diselenggarakan di Mandalika, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat.
YUK GABUNG! NXplorers Indonesia Challenge
Kompetisi yang ditunggu-tunggu telah dibuka. Segera daftarkan tim kalian.
Orientasi sekolah dan guru-guru SMA/SMK
Memperkenalkan Shell NXplorers kepada guru-guru pembimbing yang ditunjuk oleh pihak sekolah.
Pelatihan Perdana Shell NXplorers Indonesia
Program pelatihan dimulai pada September 2021 dengan peserta dari SMA Dian Harapan, SMA Santa Ursula, SMAN 85, SMA Al-Azhar dan SMK Kemala Bhayangkari 1 dari Propinsi DKI Jakarta.
Mentoring Peserta Pelatihan Shell NXplorers
Sesi pelengkap Shell NXplorers untuk pendalaman materi.